Small flowering weeds from the park near our house in a tiny antique vase.

As is our custom these days, we walked to the park close to our house at around 9:00 a.m. When we go on these walks we always pack along the necessities for a 2-year-old and a 9-month-old: a few small boxes of raisins, a plastic pouch of applesauce, some nuts, water for everyone, and today a smoothie that K didn't like very much. All of these provisions fit nicely in the drink holders and pockets of our double stroller.

Unlike other days, we stopped at a closer destination than the soccer fields that we usually visit. There are several open fields even closer to us located next to abandoned shuffleboard decks and numerous tennis courts. These spaces never seem to have any visitors except us. What thrilled E this morning were the clusters of small purple three-petaled flowers, each of them containing dozens of plants. He picked as many as he could and we brought them home and placed them in this tiny vase that K found.