We used a very simple recipe for the cornbread. But now we're out of sugar.

Today was LSU's first day of classes for the main campus after the one week pause and spring break. I'd been hoping to slide right in to a little work on my one undergraduate class but things went different differently rather quickly this morning. Oh well. Both K typing out and I are learning how to work at odd times during the day and during the evenings as well. Looks like tonight will be one of those nights.

This morning we woke up to the news that the federal guidelines for social distancing would be extended through the month of April. The Louisiana governor issued stay-at-home orders that extended through the month of April also. As K pointed out during dinner, one of the positive aspects of this forced intimacy is that our daughter, I, gets to spend much more time than her brother did at his age with her daddy. I'm actually spending more time with both my kids and with K now than I did before.

Cornbread is never a bad idea. We had a respectable black bean stew atop some white basmati rice that I bought in bulk and a simple cornbread in our cast iron skillet for dinner.