Spring in the Subtropics

I with her Magnolia leaf.
I and E with Live Oaks more than two-hundred years old.
I and the sugar kettle. We still have her great-grandfather's thesis on sugar cultivation somewhere at home.
Following the silent hedges.
Only children and cherubs allowed.
Only the continued labor of many human beings will hold back Mother Nature.

Bucket Brigade

Young boy washing a plastic toy car with a sponge.  Young girl next to a red bucket.
E. is dedicated to his car washing practice. His sister follows his example.
Two young children.  One with a red bucket on his head and one with a laundry basket on her head.
Whatever E. does, I. will also do.

Camping at Fort Pickens

We drove five hours and crossed several state lines to camp at the Gulf Islands National Seashore, our favorite camping spot. We had not been away from home for four days in over a year.

We took lots of walks around the Fort Pickens Campground at the Gulf Islands National Seashore. It was chilly but could be warm in the sun.
Young boy walking inside of outdoor cooking and eating space surrounded by pine trees and scrub brush.
We came back to this outdoor cooking and eating space several times during our hikes. It was surrounded by young osprey flying around or nesting and the birdwatchers who came to see them.

We Saw an Alligator

We visited the Barataria Preserve south of New Orleans last weekend. We walked a long trail consisting of an elevated and rickety wooden platform across a Cypress swamp.
We were warned about the alligator by the park ranger and several excited visitors. We kept our distance.
But that didn't stop E from taking several photographs.

Birthday Ice Storm

We had a historic ice storm and hard freeze for days. We ran our heater and spaces heaters. We dripped our faucets. We huddled together in small rooms to share our collective warmth and celebrated W's birthday.

Fig tree care

I tends to E's fig tree while I water the tree with a watering can.
I tends E's (second) fig tree while I water it. The first one dried up over the summer. This one may not make it either.

We bought a pop-up camper

My buddy Z- spent all afternoon and some of the evening driving to a nearby city, checking out the camper, helping me tow it, backing it in. I really owe this guy!
The boy was captivated.
Four humans, four Mardi Gras cups. These were left over from the prior owner.
The wasps have had their fun.


Two young children standing in a crib and looking out a bedroom window at a backyard with a lawn and a man on a riding mower.
My biggest fans.

ISO Banana Seat

Rusty and neglected children's bicycle with white and lavender paint, rainbow accents and banana seat.
We found this beauty on the side of the road during our ride this morning.  Rusty and neglected?  Yes.  But I see potential.  And Kent Bicycles makes replacement parts.  Maybe we will get lucky.

Swamp Walk

This stroller has been around the world and back again.
Only one-way walking allowed during Phase 1.
No socializing or chance of close passage.
A little accommodation for this Cypress knee. It was here first.
Wild berries.

The incredible edible egg

E after being brutally awoken from a car induced nap. The image is a metaphor for how I feel at least once a day since all of this began.
Just a bathtub. With the toys that the kids and I play with each night.
Out of dinner ideas? There's always eggs.

Just read the directions

I went inside of a grocery store for the first time in about 45 days. I arrived with all of my Corona virus supplies: a small JanSport fanny pack filled with hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, mask, credit cards, keys, and my wireless earbuds. we all went together in the family car and upon arrival saw a line that stretched past several of the adjacent stores. The line looked very long at first. Upon closer inspection, we realized that every shopper in line was spaced about six feet apart outside of the store. Each of them were guided by orange tape providing a convenient stopping point as the line progressed towards the door. As we waited we were all provided chilled bottles of water and sun shades. It was all very humane. And and very well thought out.

So many things occurred to me during this first shopping trip. One of them was how I failed to read directions. The sign provided clear direction on what to do as you approach the cashier to pay for your groceries. For some reason I failed to look beneath my feet, I never remember these directions, and I commented about how much there was to learn about the "unwritten rules" of shopping during the pandemic even as I failed to notice the plainly written ones for everyone outside.

Breaking Corona Kosher

Cars, cars, cars.
In an unexpected twist, we had family members join us. The children played together in a feverish spasm. The adults enjoyed the quiet aftermath later that evening.
Real Lysol needs to come from the Lysol region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling bleach.

I could get used to this

I a little too close to the AC plug for my liking. We spent much of the afternoon here while I fielded work calls and emails.
E and I have been reading Mother Goose. He loves the nonsense rhymes and has a terrific memory for them. When he saw this one he said, "That's mommy".
E likes to hand off his camera after each round of shots.

Catching up after a big week

E took this photo of the excavator during our afternoon bike ride today.
Thanks, Nabor!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
E exploring his kingdom.
I loves slides.
After dinner feats of concentration.

A fine garage

My old doll house my dad made for me makes a fine garage for E’s cars.

Happy Easter from somewhere

backyard and sleep

Our backyard and patio are seeing a lot of activity these days. So is this play pen I picked up for I.. E. enjoys playing in it, too. He especially likes to put pillows and blankets in there and tuck in himself and his sister to “go night night”. It’s kind of funny because he’s been waking us up every morning around 3 am. I wish his enthusiasm for sleeping would show itself around that time instead. Zzzzzz...

Be like Bigfoot

A life sized iron bigfoot silhouette at the "Bee Nice" house and music venue.

Lunch guest

E. invited a friend for lunch. I found him quite dull, but the kids seemed to enjoy his company.